Towpath Challenge
January 2024
The Wiltshire Swindon & Oxfordshire Canal Partnership has agreed that delivering the Wilts & Berks Canal towpath ahead of the restoration of the waterway is now a top priority. The Partnership has set up a task group to look at specific projects in the three Local Authority areas and during 2024 the first of these projects will be announced. The Wilts & Berks Canal Trust has appointed This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as Project Leader to revive interest in creating a walking and cycling using the route of the canal .
The Long Distance Walkers Association has created a walking route using the parts of the towpath that are currently accessible and linking these via other Public Rights of Way
Wilts and Berks Canal Towpath - LDWA Long Distance Paths
Please note that many parts of the Wilts & Berks Canal route are privately owned and not accessible